What Is Your Spirit Animal? An In-Depth Guide

What Is Your Spirit Animal?

Have you ever wondered, “What is my spirit animal?” Many cultures and spiritual traditions around the world incorporate animal guides, also known as spirit animals or totem animals. Your spirit animal is an animal that you feel a deep connection with – it often reflects your core values, personality traits, talents, and more.

Discovering your unique spirit animal can be a fun way to gain insight about yourself. It can even inspire self-growth by showing you the animal attributes and archetypal energies you identify with most. Read on for a complete introduction to spirit animals.

What is a Spirit Animal?

A spirit animal is essentially an animal you closely identify with or share personality traits with. We all have aptitudes, quirks, desires, and lifestyles that closely match various animals. Your spirit animal provides a mirror for you to better know your deeper self.

Examples of spirit animals are often majestic, powerful creatures like eagles, lions, and bears. But your spirit animal could also be a humble creature like a mouse or turtle. There’s meaning and worthiness in all living beings.

Having a spirit animal suggests that you intuitively observe the world. You see the interconnected nature of creation. You notice animal behaviors and how they reflect your humanity to you.

Key Aspects of Spirit Animals

Your spirit animal typically represents some of the following about your essence:

  • Personality attributes – Much like personality tests based on archetypes or animals, your spirit totem says something about your core strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and more.
  • Values or life philosophy – The animal you most identify with portrays what principles and ethical code you live by. Their lifestyle and family rituals translate to your spiritual perspective.
  • Challenges, life path or purpose – Your animal spirit guide gives you clues about key obstacles to overcome or your calling in life. Observing the animal’s habits, place in nature, and environment lend hints at your destiny.
  • Emotions or sensibilities – Certain feelings best describe who you are at the core. Your spirit animal displays physical features or behaviors tied to your innate sensitivities, processing, and emotional wisdom.
  • Ways of thinking – You have a cognitive style. The animal you’re most akin to processes the world through certain instincts and mental strategies similar to your own.
  • Talents or abilities – Your capabilities and what comes easily to you have a parallel in the animal kingdom. Discover your efficiencies through a creature who shares them.
  • Relationships with others – Much like animals cohabitate in families and groups, people form dynamic relational circles. Your spirit animal exhibits strengths in how it relates, leads or retreats.

There are other subtle nuances that a shared animal essence may reveal about who you are. The point is to contemplate the many angles and look for the uncanny overlaps with the animal companion you feel tied to.

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal

Many people are curious to know, “what is my spirit animal?” There are quite a few techniques you can try:

Take an online spirit animal quiz

While less customized, this option provides a starting point. Online quizzes draw from your existing knowledge about creature symbolism and meanings. Questions determine which animals you’re currently drawn toward.

Notice recurring animals in your surroundings

Being attentive to animals frequently appearing in your waking life lends clues. Keep an eye out for animals you most commonly see in nature, in decor, in books and media or symbolic dreams. Their regular appearance probably makes them a top spirit animal contender.

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal

For example, recurring sightings of hawks might mean it’s one of your power animals.

Study animal symbolism or meanings

By studying the historic and spiritual significance of various animals, you gather helpful information. See what creature you identify with based on meanings commonly ascribed to specific animals.

For starters, learn about these major animal archetypes and what attributes they signify:

  • Eagle – leadership, vision, pride
  • Lion – courage, royalty, assertion
  • Tiger- strength, independence, ferocity
  • Wolf – loyalty, communication, teamwork
  • Bear – inner knowledge, solitude, protectiveness
  • Owl – intuition, wisdom, persistence
  • Fox – cunning, charm, wit
  • Butterfly – transformation, grace, inner child
  • Horse – freedom, power, nobility
  • Elephant – dignity, faithfulness, purposefulness
  • Turtle – self-protection, resilience, creative endurance

There are numerous mythological and spiritual meanings ascribed to animals far too extensive to list here. Yet over time you’ll find recurring themes about the essence of various creatures. Compare these against your identity to determine potential spirit animals.

Try guided meditation or shamanic journeying

Going into an open, relaxed state while intentionally seeking your animal guide can produce answers. There are many guided meditations and shamanic “spirit flight” audio programs aimed to introduce you to power animals. Listening while receptive to what you see internally is key.

spirit wolf

Pay attention to signs in dreams or visions

Our unconscious mind produces symbolic imagery as clues to our waking life. Dreams often feature animals, indicating they hold metaphoric meaning. Pay attention to animals recurring in your dreams or spontaneous waking visions. What might these creatures represent about you?

Consult an animal intuitive or energy healer

Those with extra sensory capabilities like communicating with animals, reading energies or accessing non-physical guidance can relay helpful details. They act as a translator to gather otherwise unseen information about your spirit animal connections.

Trust your intuition

No amount of quizzes, research or advice outweighs what your personal radar picks up. The whole point of recognizing a spirit animal is its ability to magnify your self-awareness. Go with whatever animal you intuitively feel aligned with.

Regardless the approach, when exploring your spirit animal remain open and inquisitive. There’s no definitive way to pinpoint one animal. Pay attention to all ideas and signs that arise. Over time patterns make certain creature connections clearer than others.

Bonding With Your Spirit Totem

Once you’ve identified your spirit guide, you can nurture the relationship through some of these activities:

  • Learn about your spirit animal’s traits, lifestyle and environment
  • Watch nature documentaries focusing on your animal
  • Read folklore, myths and fables about your creature
  • Collect artistic renditions like drawings or figurines
  • Be open to additional animal signs appearing
  • Find kinship with people who share your spirit guide
  • Support animal conservation efforts related to your totem
  • Express your animal’s attributes more often
  • Dress or decorate your space with your spirit animal in mind
  • Get a symbolic tattoo with your spirit animal art

Stay curious, imaginative and attentive to messages this kindred creature sends you. Their medicine and magic will only enrich your self-discovery.

Different Kinds of Spirit Animals

There’s an array of terminology used to describe various types of animals we feel deeply tied to. A few key definitions:

  • Spirit animal – An animal you closely identify with and represents your essence
  • Totem animal – An animal spirit who acts as your teacher, guide or protector
  • Power animal – Provides you energetic resources, healing and personal power
  • Animal familiar – An animal companion who joins you in magical practice
  • Kin animal – An animal you consider literal family and feel at home with
  • Theriomorph – An animal identity integral to your sense of self
  • Furry persona – An anthropomorphic character representing your personality
  • Pet animal – Chosen animals welcomed into your home and cared for
  • Patronus – Your magical guardian conjured through positive feelings

As you can see, not all animal identities serve the same purpose. Yet they often overlap. Your spirit animal may also act as a power animal who sometimes literally visits you energetically.

Someone’s theriomorph deer identity has kinship with their live pet deer too. Plus they have a deer fursona and a stag patronus for good measure!

The terminology is less important than your meaningful connections. Follow your intuition when characterizing special animals in your life.

What Herbs Can Be Planted With Mint



When planning an herb garden, mint is a popular choice due to its versatility in both sweet and savory dishes and drinks. However, mint can also be invasive and spread quickly, making companion planting an important consideration. Choosing the right herbs to plant alongside mint can create a thriving and self-sufficient garden.

This article will explore 4 herbs that make excellent companions for mint:

  1. Basil
  2. Oregano
  3. Cilantro
  4. Dill

For each herb, we will cover its flavor profileideal growing conditions, and benefits of planting it with mint. We’ll also discuss best practices for container gardening to keep mint under control. Read on to learn how to create a harmonious and bountiful herb garden with mint!


Basil leaves. Basil plant with green leaves.

Known as the king of herbs, basil has a sweet, peppery flavor that shines in Italian dishes. Its aroma blends nicely with mint, making these two herbs perfect partners.

Growing Conditions

  • Full sun
  • Moist, well-drained soil
  • Grows as an annual in most climates

Pairs Well With Mint Because

  • Enjoy similar soil moisture preferences
  • Mint helps repel pests like aphids that can plague basil
  • Flavors complement each other nicely


oregano in the rays of the setting sun in the garden

Oregano offers a bold, aromatic flavor with notes of citrus and pepper. It grows well with mint as their growth habits and preferences are quite similar.

Growing Conditions

  • Full sun to light shade
  • Well-drained soil
  • Hardy perennial

Pairs Well With Mint Because

  • Both require consistent moisture
  • Oregano isn’t prone to mint’s aggressive spreading
  • Natural pest deterrents help protect both herbs


Cilantro in the hands of a man in the garden. Selective focus.

Cilantro provides a fresh, citrusy flavor. Its quick-growing nature makes it a great short-term companion for mint before replacing with another crop.

Growing Conditions

  • Full sun
  • Moist, well-drained soil
  • Grown as an annual

Pairs Well With Mint Because

  • Enjoy similar moisture levels
  • Helps mask strong mint fragrance
  • Frequently used together in recipes


Dill umbrella backround close up. Fragrant dill growing in garden.

Dill has a clean, grassy flavor that enhances seafood, salads, and more. As a re-seeding annual, it can reappear each year with mint.

Growing Conditions

  • Full sun
  • Well-drained soil
  • Re-seeding annual

Pairs Well With Mint Because

  • Natural pest deterrent
  • Can handle mint’s spreading habit
  • Commonly used together in recipes

Best Practices for Growing Mint

While the herbs covered make excellent companions for mint, its aggressive spreading habit still warrants caution. Here are some best practices for keeping mint under control:

  • Plant mint in containers above ground or buried in garden beds
  • Choose deep containers, at least 12-16 inches deep
  • Use commercial potting mix not garden soil
  • Divide mint plants every 2-3 years to rejuvenate
  • Harvest often to prevent flowering and self-seeding

Following these simple guidelines will allow you to reap the benefits of companion planting mint without it taking over your herb garden!


Creating a thriving herb garden starts with choosing the right plants to grow side-by-side. Mint’s aromatic qualities and growing habits make basil, oregano, cilantro, and dill excellent companion options.

Paying attention to each herb’s specific needs and properly containing mint will lead to a bountiful harvest. Employing the best practices outlined above allows the flavors and pest-deterring traits of these herbs to really shine through.

With some thoughtful planning, you can craft a harmonized and low-maintenance herb garden with mint. Just be sure to enjoy the bounty these companion plants have to offer in your favorite recipes!